31 January 2012

"Sunny" - Bobby Hebb

Inspirational Message on a Fridge

Make time for the Jollies. We all have faced our share of challenges that at times seems overwhelming. Even so, there are many things that have given us joy at one time or the other. They might be little things that we have forgotten about.

The Jollies is taking the time to do what gives you joy even if you still have loose ends in your life. It took me a while to get this, but there will always be "loose ends" and uncertainty. If you always wait for the perfect time to begin something new or to be happy, you'll never begin. The only perfect time is now.

"Ma'am, you need to wear shoes; only the Devil don't wear shoes." - Supermarket Clerk

Helmut Newton

"That is the smoke signal for a fire."

"Where do you think the concept of equality comes from?" - Rick Santorum

(RNS) Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus are accusing Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum of bigotry and ignorance after he said that "equality" is solely a Judeo-Christian concept.
"Where do you think the concept of equality comes from?" Santorum said on the campaign trail last Friday (Jan. 20). "It doesn't come from Islam. It doesn't come from the East and Eastern religions. It comes from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."

"I just Jackie Chann'd you! You were flying with the camera and then you flew into my Jackie Chan! I'm soooooooooooooo sorry! - Trevor, after he chipped one of his best friends' tooth.

Meghalaya's Living Bridges

28 January 2012


   Kugel, one of my favorite dishes that if you try to make it vegan..it is simply disgusting. This has sour cream, cottage cheese and all of that other stuff that gives Jews heart attacks from high cholesterol.

   That being said, it is scrumptious, delicious and one of my favorite dessert dishes to make during the High Holidays. *Recipe from my Momma ; )

   Gather your ingredients, I found all of them at the local Trader Joe's..even the egg noodles.

* Add in any other yummies that you think would be yummy to add to the top for crunch or inside.

When you go to Canada, bring a blanket.

Inspirational Message on a Fridge

The need to be perfect and to control implies a lack of trust in what might be. When we have a preconceived notion as to the perfect outcome, we limit the natural unfolding and what's possible. We don't allow for the possibility that the circumstances and our notion of perfection might change. We don't allow for the possibility that perfection is an evolving dynamic state of being.

The Daily Show - I know What You Did Last Quarter

Melbourne’s graffiti revolution

"I cracked my tooth, now I only have half a tooth" - my next door neighbors

The Truth About Agave

My work-colleague just sent me this video.
Apparently, we are exactly the same.

Simply hilarious!

22 January 2012

Inspirational Message on a Fridge

"See upon top."

Robert Doisneau

Be Kind, a message from Sophia

Farmed Salmon

Bar stools and other household items.

You supplied them all, asking for nothing in return.
You care about me, I sometimes fear you.

You want the best for me, I wouldn't accept anything less for you.
I have worry wrinkle from you, you have anxiety from me.

The only difference between you and I, my poems are simply not conspicuous.
Fuck subtlety.