Today in my Agroecology class, this boy (who I will call Paul) walks into class some thirty minutes late, mind you this is a seventy minute long class. He precedes to stumble, or walk really slowly to the front of the class (this is a one-hundred person lecture), and he then slowly bends to sit into his seat. He looks as if in pain while sitting, an entire minute (full) process. He then gets out his notebook, takes off his jacket and looks from side to side as he is shivering profusely. He asks his neighbor to borrow a pen in that whisper voice, which is not in fact a whisper.
As the class progresses, he gets up a few more times to readjust, asks a few questions where he more states a fact about something that doesn't have a thing to do with what the Gliessman is lecturing about and gets shut down, as it is off topic one-hundred percent. He also decides to walk out of the lecture hall (he is sitting in the front row,) for five minute durations and then come back in.
Paul drops his pen a total of three times, and each time attempting to pick it up but fails, as he would have to get out of his seat. Each time Paul asks his neighbor, the poor girl that leant him the pen in the first place to get it, and she does. He also decides to stand up in the middle of the class to put back on his jacket, taking a break from molesting his cheeks, lips and jaw.
Paul, please stop using OC, everybody knows and you look like a fool. Go get help.
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