25 December 2011

6th Night of Chanukah

It is tradition in my family to choose one night of the eight to celebrate Chanukah, more than just lighting candles (as to be fair to Christmas). We normally will choose the Friday, as to coincide with the Sabbath and do a big dreidel night with friends and lot of latkes and kugel. This year my sister and I decided to do our own dinner and dreidel with our friends, which turned out to be a big success. She got ridiculously drunk and well it was simply hilarious...she is the type of drunk that gets super touchy and cuddly. At the end of the night, when the dreidel game had ended (we set a timer), and before anyone had the chance to count and determine the winner, she takes all of her money that she played (each person put in five dollars to bet with) and tossed it into the middle of the table. Giggling the whole time, announcing the winner: "Everyone is a winner ;)"

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