16 December 2011

Toto Postes (Honduran Style)

Toto Postes are the equivalent to our biscotti's, they are these hard corn cookies. Dip them in some coffee, and they are the most delicious ever! 

The tradition goes: you have your merienda (snack), which consists of a cup of coffee, a toto poste, and a spoon. You drop the cookie in, and when you finish drinking, eat it up with the spoon.

5lb de maiz
1 lb. de quajada
2 containers de margarina
2 lb. de azucar
2 sodas
½ de mantequilla
sal pisca
½ lb. de manteca
2 huevos
Pictured above is the President of Grupo de Mujeres of San Fernando, Yamaranguila. The women's group functions such that each member rotates taking on the various roles within the community so they all gain the experience.  They meet once a week, as a minimum and bake various treats to sell throughout the community. This week, when I photographed they were making hundreds of toto postes!

Mix up all the ingredients and then shape into rounds, pinching each end to form a circle. Once you have them all set, pop them in the oven and bake until they are nice and browned. 

The corn will turn from a light golden cream color to browned and dandelion yellow. Unfortunately, since they used a wood fire adobe style outside oven, I can't say how hot or for how long you should bake..so best of luck!

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