*Dignidad Rebelde, Artist Melanie Cervantes- whose work I am obsessing over. This piece, La Lucha Sigue, Sigue relates to Mexico's historical struggle-
1810 Mexico declares Independence from Spain.
1910 Indigenas take on a major role in the Revolution against the new power in Mexico.
2010 ¡Zapata vive, vive, la lucha sigue, sigue!
Represented in the artwork is Emiliano Zapata, yep, as in Zapatistas (EZLN-Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional.) The revolutionary (guerrilla) leader who has inspired many Xicana/os in taking a stand for land rights and to show people how the people could defend themselves from such tyranny of given corrupt governments.
Zapata fought, and played a major role in the land redistributed among the poor (as the goal of the Plan de Ayala).
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