Upon landing in the airport, the array of unfamiliar people, and my own dissolution that in fact there is a Middle America. Fear, that was evident in my eyes, so potent: I was in Texas.

But the actual best part was the Confederate Flag, woot woot....oh Texas, how blatantly obvious that you have made it that in fact I am a California girl. I would prefer to simply be naked and give out free waffles- Thanks for clearin' that one up.

Goodness me, I almost forgot the bestestest part, according to my Project Director, all of the vols. will get Scabies, can you guess who else is going to get Scabies?
Yep, your's truly, last year..apparently all of Project Staff was blessed enough to get the dirty lil' critters nestlin' in their skin.
I cannot wait, how fun, slash bonding experience-I think so.
*Photography courtesy of Juliana
*Photography courtesy of Juliana
For Amgios de las Americas! I am going to work for them this summer in Honduras...it was in Houston, Texas at Camp Cho Yeh, pretty ri-dic my dear..