19 April 2011

Stuffed Mushrooms [Vegan]

Party favorite for sure. I would right off the bat suggest that you double this recipe-they go fast.

The original recipe I used was from Juliana, one of my housemates-I altered it some...

- Baby Bella Mushrooms
- Olive Oil
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Bread crumbs
- Onions
- Cheese
- Walnuts

- 15-20 Baby Bella Mushrooms
- 1/2 Onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 T Balsamic Vinegar
- 1 chunk of ginger
- 2 T Nutritional Yeast (cheese substitute)
- 1 C. fresh made bread-crumbs (about 3 pieces)
- 2 T. Oregano
- Olive oil (enough to cook with)
- 1 tsp. Salt.
- Handful of raisins
-1/4 c. finely chopped walnuts
- Sesame seeds.

Add in a shake of Nooch, a pinch of salt, and about three slices of preferably stale bread-if it is really stale, add in a T of water. Mix in the food processor or blender and set in a bowl (big enough for all of the filling.

Wash all of the mushrooms, getting out dirt and other worldly things. Chop up the onion, mince the garlic, and set to the side.

Take a paring knife and cut out the stems of the mushrooms, cutting a little bit in more, to allow space for more stuffing.

Wash them again, and let them dry.

Warm the skillet with some Olive Oil. Add in the ginger and allow it to soak up.
Add in the garlic, and take out the ginger (not too many people like it go figure..)

Add the onions and let it do it's magic.

Chop up the stems, grab the oregano, raisins and sesame seeds, and add them in .

Once it is about ready (close to five minutes) add in the Balsamic Vinegar, allow to cook away some.

Add the sauteed yummies to the bread-crumb bowl and mix it all up.

Place your mushrooms on a cookie sheet, or glass dish (it doesn't matter, I tried both.)

Fill the shroomies by spoonful. 

The oven should be preset to 375 degrees, and you will cook them for about 10-15 minutes. 

Add on the nuts before you put them in and that's it. 

When they are ready, they should be nice and toasty on top.

Some future changes:
 - Double the recipe.
 - More raisins.
 - Sweet potato

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