26 June 2011

A new trend..I do not seem to understand,
But the young men where these fake plastic yellow snakes in their hair.

Staff Shenanigans

This is how we do it

Chloe and Shliza

Day and Night

BP + Js for 60+ Peeps!!

Highlight in Pictures-

They are playing Britney Spears in the Internet Cafe right now..
Thinking of you fondly sissy.

Matzo Ball Soup

 This is my absolute favorite meal, even though it isn't vegan. Ingredients, some of this, some of that, a tear drop, and love of course..

Tangible Ingredients:

 1 Box of Matzo crackers
 4 Eggs
 1 Clove Garlic
 A bunch of Parsley
 1 Onion
 A bunch of Ginger
 4 Potatoes
 Salt + Pepper
 5 Carrots
 2 sticks of Celery

    Chop up the Matzo in the food processor, until nice and small while keeping some chunks for nice fluff. From there get your vegetable broth going, adding a pot full of water, carrots and celery.

   Add in the salt and pepper, and cover while you work on the matzo balls themselves. Adding in the spices, onions and parsley, mix everything up in one bowl. Mix the eggs, and add to it. The mix should be rather sticky, adding some Olive Oil if you need to. Refrigerate for a half hour or a bit more until you can make balls of the matzo meal with ease.

     Bring the pot of water back to a boil, and add in the matzo balls, let cook for about 40 minutes. The balls should be soft, fluffy and quite delicious, enjoy..

The bittersweet reality of talking with people that you really care about..
It makes it even harder to say good-bye.

25 June 2011

Teatros sobre lo que aprendieron en la capacitación-

more to come..they won't upload for some reason.
I just got some bad news over Skype. Not the best way, but know that my love is with you, and I will be by your side as soon as I can. 

A Lil' Confusion Picking Up the Vols.

The four of us P-Sups traveled to Teguc. (some 6 hours by bus) to pick up the vols. from their long journeys. But there seemed to be a bit of a confusion when picking them up...

Can't say who said this..but

 ¿Quales son sus metas para este verano?
"Quiero ser otro, Me!"
"I had to buy a new pillow to cuddle with."

Capacitación, Unas Entrevistas

How do you say your community's name?

So where are you going tomorrow?

Vet. Vol. take two!

La Ruta

This be them, all nine, plus me..the shortest of them all.

When they found out, one of my vols. goes: 
"Wait, you are our Supervisor? But you are so little and adorable.." 
I am choosing to take this as a complement...

Kristy, Nectarli (youth counterpart) y Erica: San Fernando

Eric y Alejandro: Chogola

Las tres Muchachas: Hanna, Alexandra and Lauren: El Tablon

Youth counterparts, plus Stefan and Nick: El Cerron

Marin Chapter, represent! Stefan, yo y Marley

Yo y Melecio (awesome ass vol.)

Let's get going! Heading to community in a Jalon.

My boys, I do not know how I ended up with so many!! But they sure are cute.
The current average in Guatemala is 19.4 years, 
the lowest median in the Western Hemisphere.

Makes you wonder exactly what has happened in recent years in Guatemala..or what state-led memory initiatives there are.

    20 June 2011