25 June 2011

La Ruta

This be them, all nine, plus me..the shortest of them all.

When they found out, one of my vols. goes: 
"Wait, you are our Supervisor? But you are so little and adorable.." 
I am choosing to take this as a complement...

Kristy, Nectarli (youth counterpart) y Erica: San Fernando

Eric y Alejandro: Chogola

Las tres Muchachas: Hanna, Alexandra and Lauren: El Tablon

Youth counterparts, plus Stefan and Nick: El Cerron

Marin Chapter, represent! Stefan, yo y Marley

Yo y Melecio (awesome ass vol.)

Let's get going! Heading to community in a Jalon.

My boys, I do not know how I ended up with so many!! But they sure are cute.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good in that green collared shirt. So professional, girl!
