04 May 2011

The Dangers of Being a Bicyclist

    Today, I felt very self righteous! You know, in the biking sense-those annoying people that yell at cars to 'share the road'. Well, it may have to do with the fact that I almost got run twice by the same truck! Mr. Truck-driver was swerving all over the place and taking over my lane with the bat of a lash.

    Finally, with about five more major swerves we both get to the red light at Bay and King. I get off my bike, and yes- this is where I get all self-righteous, one of those bicyclists, and I hit the truck as hard as I can.

    The man inside looks down at me from his seat, some four feet in the truck to my five foot three stance. Such disdain of his facial muscles, maybe they were cramped, or maybe thats just his face. He rolls down the window and I teach him a lesson about staying in your appropriate lane, plus I scolded him just a lil' about not running bicyclists over.

    Same day, I get a text from Juliana (one of my housemates.)  Apparently, her bike neighbor at Safeway decided to not only lock his bike, but hers too. Her thoughts to dealing with the problem-'slash the tires!'

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