Does this man look familiar to you?
He should, and the fact that he is now dead is supposed to make you feel safe..
You cannot recognize him? He is well associated with the Twin Towers a.k.a. 9/11- So don't worry, if you couldn't make the association right away, the newspapers reel these photos together!
So yes, the news reads, that is every news station, paper and site-
"Al-Qaeda founder and leader Osama Bin Laden is killed by US ground forces in Pakistan, President Barack Obama says."
Well gee-golly, nope I do not feel any safer than I did about a minute ago, when I did not know he wasn't alive.

With this new piece of news, we can all sleep safely in our beds, because a Terrorist is now dead. Thanks Department of Defense-you done great, ya' herrrr.
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